Realisation: 2024
Investor: Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava, contributory organization
Since February this year we have been working on the creation of project documentation for the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava, a contributory organization. The documentation was prepared on the basis of a study prepared by the architectural office ARKOS s.r.o. in June 2022.
The project documentation includes the following parts:
Focus and research
The survey was carried out independently of the existing passport survey of the building and documented the actual condition of the concert hall at the date of the survey. The survey included detailed photographic documentation of the current condition of the building.
Project documentation for construction implementation
This part included the preparation of project documentation in accordance with Act No. 183/2006 Coll., on spatial planning and building regulations (Building Act), as amended, and the relevant decrees
The entire process of creating the project documentation was planned to take 150 days, i.e. about 5 months
The following project documentation was also prepared:
- project documentation for the replacement of the concert hall lighting, including calculations,
- project documentation for the emergency lighting of the concert hall including calculation,
- the documentation for the independent seats in the 1st-3rd rows of the concert hall was prepared, including the measurement,
- documentation for the replacement of part of the stage floor behind the left portal and the fabric equipment on the stage,
- documentation of the replacement of the heating elements in the hall and on the stage,
- documentation of the replacement of 3 exit doors from the auditorium
Several teams of designers were involved in the project, working on sub-parts such as:
- building modifications of the hall,
- air conditioning,
- audio equipment,
- stage lighting,
- mobile seating.
The synergy and coordination of the individual teams was crucial to achieving a quality result. We delivered the project documentation on time as planned.