theatre technologies

Theatrical technology includes equipment and systems in the theatre such as Stage Lighting , Sound Technology, Stage and Stage Equipment, Acoustic Systems, Audio and Video Technology, Machine Technology and more. These technologies enable to create the atmosphere, effects and environment required for theatrical productions and events. They are key elements in achieving a quality and engaging theatre experience.

Divadelní technologie

We deal with the complete supply of theatre equipment and technology from A to Z.


Use of theatre technologies


Theatre is an art form where actors perform on stage in front of a live audience. It includes dramatic works, music, dance and other artistic elements that create an atmosphere and an immersive experience. Let’s take a look at what technologies can be used here.



A cinema is an environment for showing films in front of an audience. It uses projection systems, sound systems and effects to enhance the film experience. The technology in the cinema includes modern digital projection equipment, a surround sound system and special effects.

Cultural houses

The House of Culture is a venue for various cultural activities such as theatre performances, concerts, exhibitions or conferences. It serves as a centre of community life for meeting, education and entertainment, and supports the cultural life of the neighbourhood. And what technologies can be used here?

Cultural houses
Music studios

Music studios

Music studios provide an environment for artists to record, produce and mix music. They offer technology such as mixing desks, microphones and more. They are key to the creation of albums, music and podcasts. We offer a wide range of modern technology and equipment for your studio.


Stadiums are large sports facilities for various events. They are equipped with stands, playing fields and facilities for training and media. Modern stadiums may have advanced sound and lighting systems, which enhances the spectator experience and allows for an attractive environment.



Showrooms present products and services. Using technologies such as sound and lighting systems, dynamic lighting, projections or audiovisual elements, they contribute to interactivity, attractiveness and a better customer experience.

Do you want more information or a DIRECT inquiry?


Here you can take a look at our portfolio to explore the projects we have successfully completed in recent years. Take a look at our work and get inspiration for your own projects.

More realizations


Reconstruction of the SKATEPARK area – Ostrava-Výškovice

We won a public contract for the reconstruction of the SKATEPARK in Ostrava-Výškovice, the client of which is the Statutory City of Ostrava, municipal district Ostrava-Jih.

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They wrote about us – Home HarmonIE

For the Moravian-Silesian Region, we completed the Harmonie Home in Krnov in 2023. The director wrote us this nice reference.

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Rekonstrukce divadla Mír

They wrote about us – Mír Theatre

As we have already mentioned several times, we are a proud partner of Mír Theatre. After several events we have performed for them, we have earned this reference of which we are rightly proud.

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