Realisation: 2024
Investor: Združenie pod Dubňom
ŽSR, completion of the Žilina-Teplička marshalling yard and downstream railway infrastructure in the Žilina junction
The project involves extensive reconstruction of the railway infrastructure in Žilina and its surroundings. The modernisation of this junction is one of the largest railway investments in the history of Slovakia and will contribute to the renewal of the railway network and the improvement of the transport system for all users.
Our company participated in the supply and installation of the passenger shelter, which offers protection from the weather and comfort. This task, despite its specific nature, required careful planning and coordination. The shelter was designed to modern standards with an emphasis on durability, functionality and aesthetics. We are proud to have contributed to the modernisation of the railway infrastructure and to have gained valuable experience on this important project.
More info about the whole project can be found here: