
Pasportization is the preparation of a building passport, showing the actual condition of the property. It is necessary when the project documentation is missing or not up-to-date. It starts with a building survey and the output is drawings and a technical report. It is used for renovation, energy certificate, sale, subsidies and land registry adjustments.


inquire pasportization

Passport of buildings

Passporting is necessary for buildings that lack up-to-date project documentation or have undergone changes to the internal layout. This includes cultural buildings, apartment buildings, municipal offices, cinemas, theatres, etc. It is aimed at establishing the actual condition of the buildings and their rooms.

Passport of buildings
Passport of construction

Passport of construction

This type of passport records the condition of the buildings before construction begins. It usually covers roads, bridges and adjacent buildings that will be affected by construction. It is used as evidence for any disputes or as a basis for the restoration of buildings after the completion of construction. The passport should be produced before, during and after construction, depending on the specific needs of the site and the type of buildings. The content of the passport may vary depending on the specific situation.

Passport of monuments

As some cultural facilities, theatres and cinemas may be part of cultural heritage and monuments, it is necessary to carry out a so-called monument passporting. This process involves detailed documentation and records of the structural condition of these historic buildings and their furnishings. The passporting of monuments is thus an important step in the management and protection of cultural heritage.

Passport of monuments

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Reconstruction of the SKATEPARK area – Ostrava-Výškovice

We won a public contract for the reconstruction of the SKATEPARK in Ostrava-Výškovice, the client of which is the Statutory City of Ostrava, municipal district Ostrava-Jih.

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They wrote about us – Home HarmonIE

For the Moravian-Silesian Region, we completed the Harmonie Home in Krnov in 2023. The director wrote us this nice reference.

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Rekonstrukce divadla Mír

They wrote about us – Mír Theatre

As we have already mentioned several times, we are a proud partner of Mír Theatre. After several events we have performed for them, we have earned this reference of which we are rightly proud.

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