
Here you will find our work in the field of theatre technology, renovation of cultural facilities and construction projects that we have completed in recent years.

our realizations

Sanace strusky v HM Tesco Karviná

HM TESCO Karviná

Slag remediation in HM Tesco Karviná

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Stavební práce


New headquarters of OPTIMA DIAMANT, spol. s r.o.

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Oprava hydroizolace střech a zložení extenzivní zelené střechy Azylový dům

Army of Salvation – Adelante Ostrava

Roof waterproofing repair and composition of the extensive green roof of the Adelante Men’s Shelter.

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Other selected references 2022

Selected references 2022

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Divadlo loutek Ostrava

Puppet Theatre Ostrava

Implementation of internal CCTV system in DLO buildings.

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Other selected references 2021

Other selected implementations 2021

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