Realizations - Theatre technologies
Here you will find our work in the field of theatre technology, renovation of cultural facilities that we have completed in recent years.
Our realizations

Modernization of the concert hall – project documentation
Since February this year we have been working on the creation of project documentation for the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava, a contributory organization. The documentation was prepared on the basis of a study prepared by the architectural office ARKOS s.r.o. in June 2022.

Club Zubří – reconstruction
Our company TECHARTSTAV a.s. won the tender in 2022 for the amount exceeding 78 million CZK. CZK incl. VAT on the reconstruction of the internal premises of the Zubří Club, which was subsidized by the Ministry for Regional Development in the amount of CZK 20 million. CZK.

Reconstruction of the interior of the Peace Theatre
As a proud partner of the Mír Theatre, we actively supported their ambitious interior reconstruction project.

Multifunctional hall in Bordovice
Our company was entrusted with the realization of the multifunctional hall in Bordovice from A to Z.

Univerity of Mining and Metallurgy – Technical University of Ostrava
Reconstruction of stage equipment in the University Auditorium.