
Here you will find our work in the field of theatre technology, renovation of cultural facilities and construction projects that we have completed in recent years.

our realizations

Rekonstrukce Parkovacího objektu

Reconstruction of the Parking Building

Construction modifications to the building for parking of cars in the protected area (covered parking spaces).

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Odkopy a sanace venkovního zdiva a s tím spojené úpravy přilehlých prostor

Mendel Gymnasium, Opava

Excavation and rehabilitation of exterior masonry and associated modifications of adjacent areas

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Rekonstrukce hlavního vstupu budovy školy a šaten

Gymnasium Cihelní, Frýdek-Místek, contributory organization

Reconstruction of the main entrance of the school building and changing rooms

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Beskydské divadlo Nový Jičín

Beskydy Theatre Nový Jičín

Reinforcement of the ceiling slabs of the extension, including related structural modifications.

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Slezské divadlo Opava

Silesian Theatre Opava

Production and delivery of independent seats.

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