
Here you will find our work in the field of theatre technology, renovation of cultural facilities and construction projects that we have completed in recent years.

our realizations

Servis pro

Aréna Chamber Stage

Small-scale contracts, service.

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Vyhotovení hlukové studie pro divadelní prostor Studia G

Studio G

Noise study for the theatre space of Studio G

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Servisní činnost pro

Loutek Theatre Ostrava

Service activities: reconstruction of emergency lighting in the main hall, renovation of the Pimprléto project connection point, supply of AV equipment, repair of the stage floor

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Elektroinstalace rozvodů

Hradec n. Moravicí, building no. 308, electrical installation

Electrical wiring as part of the reconstruction of the building.

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Stavební úpravy v HM Tesco Hrabová- sanace KIK.

Tesco Hrabová 2020

Building modifications in HM Tesco Hrabová – rehabilitation of KIK.

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Frýdek Místek

Tesco – Frýdek Místek

HM Slag Remediation and Parking Lot Remediation – Stages 3 and 4.

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