
Here you will find our work in the field of theatre technology, renovation of cultural facilities and construction projects that we have completed in recent years.

our realizations

Technologické vybavení jeviště a hlediště.

Mír Theatre Ostrava

Technological equipment of the stage and auditorium.

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Dodávka, montáž a nastavení audiotechniky pro KD Říp Roudnice nad Labem.

House of Culture Říp, Roudnice n. Labem

Delivery, installation and setup of audio equipment for the Říp Theatre in Roudnice nad Labem.

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Stavební úpravy a elektro práce v kině

Cinema Mír 70 Krnov

Building modifications and electrical works in the cinema within the project “Modernisation of AV technology ATMOS in cinema Mír 70 Krnov”.

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Realisations from 2013 to 2019

Realisations from 2013 to 2019

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