
Other selected references 2022

Realization: 2022

Selected references 2022

KD Řepiště – assembly work on the stage technology, delivery and assembly of the lighting desk, combiner

VŠB – processing PD el. installation for stroke drives, curtain and acoustic panels

Cultural hall Babinec – Hradec nad Moravicí – service of AV equipment

Tesco Třebovice – building modifications

KD Petřvald – design and solution of acoustic modifications in the restaurant KD Petřvald

DISK Theatre – wall spraying

Sareza – AV service

Cultural hall – Kosmova Street, Ostrava-Privoz – elaboration of PD

ZŠ Bruntál Okružní – replacement of luminaires

DLO – repair of pavement

JFO – construction works in the cinema universe

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